i would imagine without this tiny detail the bag

The Porte Documents Voyage PM looks effortlessly stylish in masculine Damier Graphite canvas. With smooth leather trimmings and a spacious replica designer handbags interior, it combines luxury and practicality.
The Louis Vuitton Damier Graphite Porte Documents Voyage is a perfectly sized briefcase capable of carrying a 15 laptop in conjunction with documents as big as 14 by 10 and even our Leica camera equipment fits in it. This briefcase that has been our companion along all sorts of watch reviews, pleasure travels and watch events like the SIHH Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie, Baselworld and the SIAR Saln Internacional de Alta Relojera is nothing but durable and practical. Today, after years of ownership, it still looks as good as when it came out of the store.
This distinguished briefcase measuring 16.1 wide, 12.2 tall and 4.7 deep will surprise you when you realize how much stuff you can fit in it. The briefcase features a convenient foamed laptop pocket for added protection, a zippered compartment for A4 documents, two small flap pockets where you can fit your planner or small notebook, two pen loops, interior d ring for your keys, an exterior flat pocket on the back side, lock and a removable shoulder strap we personally like the look of the bag without the strap as it is looks more elegant. Lastly, the added feature that Louis Vuitton doesn tell you about, is that it makes one of the nicest backdrops for watch photography.
This entry was posted in Best Replica Handbags, Designer Handbags, Louis Vuitton Handbags, Replica Designer Handbags, Replica Handbag Review and tagged Authentic Bag, AUTHENTIC LOUIS VUITTON, AUTHENTIC VS. REPLICA, Best Designer Handbags, Best Quality Replica Handbags, BEST REPLICA BAGS, Best Replica Handbags, Best Replica Louis Vuitton, BUYING REPLICA, Cheap cheap louis vuitton bags from china Designer Handbags, Designer Handbags, , Fashion, Handbags, Hannahandbags, Louis Vuittion Handbags, Luxurybrands, LV replica handbag, PurseValley Factory Review, REPLICA, REPLICA BAGS, Replica Designer Handbags, Replica Handbags, REPLICA LOUIS VUITTON, REPLICA REVIEW, SUPERFAKE, thepursequeen, WOMENFASHION on December 26, 2018 by Jesse Phoenix.
Prepare for the next iconic, because the Flower Collection is expanding like crazy. This Louis Vuitton Flower Hobo Bag is a follow up of the Flower Tote Bag. And if you don't need a bag now, you can always opt into the Flower Wallets. The newly Flower Monogram is the secret beauty and it's absolutely irresistible too gorgeous to ignore.
The Design
The Flower Hobo Bag is smaller than the Flower Tote, but evenly iconic looking. The Hobo is spacious and casual chic, it can be your daily companion as well. It's covered with the signature Monogram Canvas style while partly crafted with leather. The flat shoulder handle and the keybell are both made from calf leather. But truly, the reason for hobo ing this beautiful bag on your shoulder is due to 1:1 replica handbags the Monogram Flower Padlock.
The Monogram flower Lock is a small gold embellishment placed on the center of the bag. The flower is one of the house's symbols and the padlock is an iconic component too. And if you look closer, the padlock is engraved with the house logo.
But what makes it even more interesting? You can carry the bag by hand or on the shoulder via the long leather handle. The bag is also purposely made as light as possible, so you can enjoy it all day long, with comfort.
Discount Replica Louis Vuitton Bags This entry was posted in Best Replica Handbags, Designer Handbags, Louis Vuitton Handbags, PurseValley Factory Reviews, Replica replica louis vuitton bags Designer Handbags, Replica Handbag Review and tagged Authentic Bag, AUTHENTIC LOUIS VUITTON, AUTHENTIC VS. REPLICA, Best Designer Handbags, Best Quality Replica Handbags, BEST REPLICA BAGS, Best Replica Louis replica louis vuitton Vuitton, BUYING REPLICA, Cheap aaa replica designer handbags Designer Handbags, Designer Handbags, , Fashion, Handbags, Louis Vuittion Handbags, LOUIS VUITTON, Luxurybrands, LV replica handbag, PurseValley Factory Review, REPLICA BAGS, Replica Designer Handbags, Replica Handbags, REPLICA LOUIS VUITTON, REPLICA REVIEW, SUPERFAKE, thepursequeen, WOMENFASHION on December 21, 2018 by Jesse Phoenix.
Exterior Damier Azur coated canvas with pleated centre for more space, leather trimmings and rounded leather handles plus an adjustable and detachable shoulder strap
Interior Raspberry Alcantara with heat embossed Louis Vuitton Paris, Made In France stamp and product series code tag
Pockets A flat zipper pocket, cellphone pocket and an open flat pocket in the interior
Hardware LV engraved polished brass trimmings
Strap Two rounded natural cowhide leather handles plus a detachable and adjustable leather shoulder strap
Dust Bags Included as well are: LV care booklet, LV receipt, replica louis vuitton handbags LV authenticity card, LV tag and LV dustbag
Trimmings Natural cowhide leather trimmings
I was seriously on the fence to purchase this bag. I used to eye on this bag for over two months. I do like the size and shape of the bag a lot especially it can be worn on the shoulder and held on the arm. What had stopped me from proceeding with the purchase is the outrageous price for a mostly PVC bag. So I gave chance to the Replica of Trevi PM because it is much much affordable and 1:1 mirror copy.
In my opinion, the Replica Louis Vuitton Trevi PM is one of the most sophisticated and feminine bags made Fake Louis Vuitton Replica Bags by Louis Vuitton. Whilst it does emit a more mature and work type vibe, I think it still appropriate for all ages (even though I do carry it more for work rather than just going out). This replica bag comes with the red suede lining and two small side pockets which can store a phone, keys, a pen and makeup replica louis vuitton bags from china compact if needed. Although the picture may not depict this, but this bag is quite structured with a base that does not severely sag when filled. I don know if it just me, but I really don like it when bags sag (or forms some kind of a dip or however you call it) because it just seems like the bag is overused or filled, so this is a major plus for me! The Trevi can be carried in the cradle of the arms or with the longer strap which gives the bag a more casual look, though I only ever use it when my bag gets a little too heavy and I can be high quality replica handbags china bothered using my arms.
This entry was posted in Best Replica Handbags, Designer Handbags, Gucci Handbags, Louis Vuitton Handbags, PurseValley Factory Reviews, PurseValley Reviews, Replica Designer Handbags, Replica Handbag Review and tagged Authentic Bag, AUTHENTIC LOUIS VUITTON, AUTHENTIC VS. REPLICA, Best Quality Replica Handbags, Best Replica Handbags, Best Replica Louis Vuitton, BUYING REPLICA, Cheap Designer Handbags, Designer Handbags, , Fashion, Handbags, Louis Vuittion Handbags, LOUIS VUITTON, Luxurybrands, LV replica handbag, PurseValley Review, REPLICA, REPLICA BAG, REPLICA BAGS, Replica Handbags, REPLICA LOUIS VUITTON, REPLICA REVIEW, SUPERFAKE, thepursequeen on December 21, 2018 by Jesse Phoenix.
Eye catching, isn't it? The Kimono tote combines Monogram canvas with fine calf leather for a riveting graphic effect. Why "Kimono"? The name alludes to the V cross motif, inspired by the Japanese robe. In the purest tradition of House craftsmanship the bag features long Toron leather handles, a distinctive fake designer bags metallic V signature inspired by an historical advertising of the brand and impeccable edge dyeing. Both roomy and remarkably light, the Kimono is a pleasure to carry.
The bag is made of calf leather andmonogram canvas. The combination is very classy and timeless. I especially love the combination of black with the monogram as it is very understated and doesn't scream "Look at me!". My cousins and friends prefers the red with monogram though. In my opinion, work bags shouldn't be a loud color as they should be able to go with most of your outfits.
The outside of the bag is designed with a "wrap over" style which is reminiscent of how a Japanese kimono is worn. That's how the name came about. There is also a "V" hardware at the top which gives the bag a more luxe feeling. I would imagine without this tiny detail the bag would look rather ordinary.
The bag has an open design and does not have a zip closure. The closure is like the LV Neverfull with the D ring and the clasp. I personally find this closure quite redundant unless you're driving and are afraid that the bag will tip over in the seat causing all the contents to spill out.
Kimono MM Louis Vuitton
The bottom of the bag happens to be leather, although I kind of wish it was canvas so you can baby it less. It being leather is good though as it means the bag will likely not sag when you put stuff into it.

There are also four feet on the bottom of the bag so that the leather doesn't get scratched when you set the bag down on the floor (my lord please don't!). 


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